
Showing posts from December, 2019


After learning about the days when it rains I had conversations about the weather with people and told them how much I learned about the weather out here in Oakland, California. I learned that the water the rain provides could cause floods that will be dangerous. All people should be careful when they come outside to floods and storms. Items people can use in the rain is rain colts, umbrellas, and being careful with something that help you make it to your destination. That’s if you come outside to enjoy weather like that. All people I know will be safe in the storms and stay in the house as much as they could because there is nothing outside for them but the storm. I learned the news is on more when the weather gets really bad and can cause people becoming injured in the Oakland, California. I learned my dog cannot take on the rain he would need to come in the house. Because with a dog house there. It’s no shelter for the dog to be safe from the rain. I learned the people that li


My story is important because the weather gets so bad in Oakland California people had to stay inside the house. When a whole city has to stay inside to not be a part of the flood. You can believe that the weather was really bad at the time. The house was very important because without a house the storm was not understood. The weather is some news for a person that is most important ones you open up your door and come outside to enjoy. Most of the time it can be a hot day in the summer. And if that had changed up it meant to me that something might be wrong with the weather. In the fall it gets dark faster than the summer dark come early at five o’clock and changed up from eight o’clock. The weather was being hot for longer time threw the day in the fall plus that’s when you get prepared for the winter.   After all of the fall past by the winter is when the rain come out enough to be a flood everywhere threw the city of Oakland, California. The rain causes other stuff to happen l


The story is a time when the storms rain was enough to stay in the house. My dog even had to come inside the house. Every day it rains so much the streets was flooded. I use to look out my door and see no one was outside. The water had taken over the sidewalks curves. Me and my dog did not like it in the spring threw those years. People went to the stores and seen that stores could not be open because of the floods that rain was causing. The Oakland weather had never been this bad sense I could remember. This was big, me experiencing the weather choice of raining too much. I went to my back yard and it was a mess. Diamond my dog house blew over by the storms and all other items that was stacked up real neat was all over the place. My garden was not dry any more. My house was what I thought about out of thinking a lot. If did not have some where for me and my dog to go, we would have been soaked up in the rain. I told my dog I love this house because it saved us from the storm. I watc


My writing memoir is a moment I remember like it was just yesterday. I was surrounded by drug users in the area where I been safe at for years. They stayed by the neighborhood liquor store. I told my girlfriend about my dog Diamond. She kept me safe if safe if I was with her. The relationship I had with my pet dog is to remember. I was lucky to have a pet like my dog diamond she never gave up on me. One day I thought she had run away but she did not that scared me. My days having Diamond in the back yard was harder to remember after I did not have her anymore.   It was time when I had a pet in the back yard if I explain my whole life story because I had the dog for me to remember. At night time it was like I am complete after working a long shift at work I had my dog Diamond in the back yard. I always feed her in the mourning some dog food from the store. I understand dogs more now is what I got from the experience from having a dog. Every time I think about having a new pet in m


One of my life moments was when I first met a girl that ended up my girlfriend and she became a girl that would be a friend to remember and still she is my friend. these moments are moments that could be similar to moments in the future and they were not bad moments at all. Some moments do not be good to other people I know and some are to cherish. They taught me love is out there all you have to do is find it. I remember these moments. there was many of events. I found love before and happy enough to become smarter to myself from the moments that is true. I would love to have some of these moments again just the same or even better. My thoughts about these moments still today is I am still the same person from these moments. I can explain these better in a story maybe because these really meant a lot to me after they happened that’s why I wouldn’t mind finding love again because I enjoyed being in love before. Today is a new day I fill free and will believe in another moment with a


      The German Shepard Pit-bull. Weight sixty-six pounds and got a brown color. Dark eyes, black paws and a part of a leach was a black color. The dog name was Diamond. If you watched him every day, he did the same thing every day. It was just like the Diamond show. This dog always seemed like he would bark over being alive. The same dogs past by every day even if they were being walked by other people. Dog owner’s family. The everyday routine with the dog he knows. Walking on side of the gate looking at them until he cannot see them anymore. When it was his time to go to the park he took the offer. He made it to the park and ran through the field with the other dogs. When there were two dogs barking Diamond was not the one being the mean dog. She like running to catch the Frisbee and she would bring it back in her mouth. If was a TV show people would say this is the best TV show ever. The Diamond show. I choose Diamond villain to be the noisy dog next door. That is who was on the


The villain Name is Rupert he is the dog next door he is a black and white color. He weighs 88 pounds and he is the noisy dog from next door. He eats a lot if you kick his gate he would start barking. He would bark until he believes there is no one still there. You catch Rupert at the park two or three times a week. Rupert and his owner running Rupert barking at others dogs. He grabs some dog toy every time it is show time at the park for the dogs can run through the field. But when Rupert name is called he comes to the owner he’s not to old.   He is not too scary at all some dogs that live around Rupert are scary but he is not. He walks slow but if you see him run you would see that that dog got some speed. He hates another dog good enough to be villain. He growls at people every other day sometimes when he is not barking. He makes people and other pets want to leave the park because he would start barking at them or maybe run towards them to start something. Giving people a hard ti


The Life that Diamond have helps him be respected as the pet and the guard plus security. This dog can grow up and be a hero. If someone tried to sneak in my house. Diamond had her own way of living. I understood the way she was up barking in the mourning. You would understand if you were there to see her. She was hungry but she just wanted to get around the neighborhood because that is all she was able to do. She was not lost it seemed like she was found would be right. She kept other animals out of the yard and was respected and loved by a family. She made noise and ate her food. She got bigger at the same location she never ran away. Diamond found a place that was comfortable and stayed in it. She ate different food to like one kind. She liked being inside a home when was inside she ran around the whole house. She ran down stairs and enjoyed the wind. She found a place in the rain and she did not bark. She was a survivor every time. When people have a pet like Diamond, they will l


The dog owners that had diamond before me sent me a letter to explain the time they had with Diamond. It was just one month of time they had with Diamond. He was just born with about eight others with the same mother. He was the dog that ran and barked more than the others. What they wanted was the right owner for Diamond. I taught that was right by the way they watched me get along with Diamond. They said they haven’t had the dog trained good enough. So what I needed to do was take Diamond the dog to go get trained and to see an animal doctor. To make sure he doesn’t grow up trying to bite me and my family. They explain he was good enough to go do that. I did before the letter. The letter said Dear Deontae at the top. On the side of that it said the lady Kimberly name. The address they sent it from was on the front of the letter. Kimberly and Chris is who I got diamond from that’s when I first seen her. With Kimberly and Chris in the summer of 2005 July 10. I knew that was going t


   My dog Diamond was the special pet I had before I would love to share the story. I had her for six months. During the time me and Diamond were friends like a human and a pet. I lived in a good area in Oakland California. All neighbors had dogs a lot of houses was on this block that we lived on me and Diamond. All my family liked Diamond to he was a good dog. every other day I took that dog on walks around the area I lived in. His journey was what I wondered about. I wanted to know his past before he got to me. What I knew was his color was brown he was a germen shepherd mixed with pit bull. The two African American people gave him to me. They said he is a good dog they wanted what was best for him. Me and diamond went to see if he was healthy. before that it was the way all the dogs were his family others that were just like him. It was the way this dog movement was that made him special. Running in the grass. Playing by his paws hitting the other dog. He licked people that he l